dannysullivan hates
16 years ago
that plurk provides no twitter import feature nor lets you get karma by just giving you an affiliate style URL that you could twit
latest #6
pratt feels
16 years ago
the same way. That was my rant a few days ago, too. That should have been their first thought when building this out.
spyros says
16 years ago
twitter doesn't provide any other micro blogging import, so why should plurk? You can only import feeds in to twitter with twitterfeed
spyros says
16 years ago
twitter is the poorest "out of the box" platform in comparison to any other m.b. platform (Pownce, Jaiku and now Plurk)
spyros says
16 years ago
It is only so good because of 3rd party apps.
Chris Hooley
16 years ago
at the bottom right hand of your screen is an affiliate style URL to invite people in. Invites are tracked backto you and autofriended :-)
Chris Hooley
16 years ago
errr, at least when you are on **your** profile page that is..
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