Chris Hooley
185Friends 71Fans
male Sun City, AZ, United States
I am a web geek. If you don't know by now, you'll never know!
Chris Hooley
16 years ago
Making friends and genuinely liking people is rewarding in the short term AND in the long run. I am seriously one lucky, appreciative guy.
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 6
One of the saddest days of my life. Watching some old friends, and good people, move on. This is unbelievable. Thanks Congress + Bush Admin
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 4
HDTV Question: Should I get the 73" (most $$ but BIGGEST), 67" (almost as much $$ but best pic), or 65" (way less $$ but best value) ??!!
Chris Hooley is
16 years ago 3
plurk dead?
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 5
Unicorns, David Hasselwoff social networking, and me- CHECK IT OUT!!!
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 2
BREAKING: New SEO conference announced! SunCity SEOcon THIS SATURDAY in AZ Please Re-Post!
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 2
Dude STFU! (shut the FAVRE up!) - anybody wanna say their piece on the Favre / Packers controversy? HOOK IT UP!
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 2
Diggers, a little help again? THANKS!!
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 5
I hope Sujan, Neil, and our other friends in the LA area are OK! 5.4 magnitude earthquake just hit east of Los Angeles!
Chris Hooley
16 years ago 7
When I run a large company, we will hire no reps under 21, so we can have beer in the office. And there will be an xbox in the break room.