16 years ago
so I'm at Walmart yesterday and all the Christmas decorations are up and Christmas tunes are playing....
latest #9
trixbear8 says
16 years ago
i know, ACK!
16 years ago
So I decided to start my Christmas dwcorating today, I mean its only 74 degrees out and I'm sweating, come on Christmas spirit....
trixbear8 says
16 years ago
what did you start with?
FitQueenB says
16 years ago
I might just do the same, and enjoy all that decorating work for 12 full months instead of maybe 1 month only....
16 years ago
I started with outdoor lights, better now than in a foot of snow next week... (LOL)
trixbear8 says
16 years ago
Mr Spasm says
16 years ago
our Walmart put them out at the same time they put out holoween stuff sometime last september. I'm thinking next year it will be july 5th.
16 years ago
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