65Friends 33Fans
female Hinckley, MN, United States
I love my Xbox 360 in a very unhealthy way, I'm an artist and I have a very eclectic taste in music.

My blog
My eight year olds blog
markodageeksmom says
15 years ago 7
wow I have been gone a very long time! No karma and it was the holidays ...hows everyone?
markodageeksmom says
15 years ago 1
think Im falling in love <3 :-))
markodageeksmom says
15 years ago 3
I think I'm depressed, not sure though, I'm joining the local gym I hear exercise helps? :-(
markodageeksmom asks
15 years ago 5
did everyone have a good holidays etc?
markodageeksmom says
16 years ago 2
I have the Girl Scout Christmas dance tonight, its called the Snow Ball and my so is DJ, very cool!
markodageeksmom says
16 years ago 1
Thank god the babies are finally sleeping! (dance)
markodageeksmom says
16 years ago 1
markodageeksmom says
16 years ago 2
Bratz to be removed from shelves? Go Barbie!
markodageeksmom thinks
16 years ago 2
she's lost interest in plurk, just got nothing to share lately.
markodageeksmom shares
16 years ago 3
a really bad cold *blows nose* (sick)