♪ Çricket ☻ is
14 years ago
in deep thought.... are you afraid?! :-o
latest #37
14 years ago
yesh! (ninja)
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
14 years ago
heehee (girlkiss)
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
(LOL) it's ok.. I'm afraid too!
Amle says
14 years ago
depends... (evilsmirk)
NotAN1nja is
14 years ago
not afraid of thinking. just avoids it entirely...
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
14 years ago
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
look... smoke! Run!@!!!!
Sir Big Papa
14 years ago
~shivers~ ;-)
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
*grins and bats her eyes*
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
*giggles* I knew you wouldn't be scared Starribabe! :-))
ObiRob Kenobi
14 years ago
afraid in general or afraid of your deep thought?
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
either one? lol.. or afraid of what might happen from me thinking so hard! ;-)
14 years ago
don't let your head 'splode!
14 years ago
ha ha!!!!
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
Splllaaatttt! :-o
unl33t says
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
Nope! I have ignore & thereby bounching danger to to someone else super power as bat winged bimbo from hell from..
Linda shares
14 years ago
Macho women with guns a hillarius game! (LOL)
ObiRob Kenobi
14 years ago
Well since I'm SuperRob I'm not afraid of anything cept spiders and snakes and tornados and ...
jonyboy says
14 years ago
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
(LOL) you guys crack me up!
JennasGOBO shares
14 years ago
miracle_man 's fear:https://images.plurk.com/4393426_767d2cc8d276bc66dfc8e0f7d2ebb454.gif
14 years ago
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
ObiRob Kenobi
14 years ago
Amle says
14 years ago
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
hee hee
ObiRob Kenobi has
14 years ago
spent 25+ years with his kryptonite ring
♪ Çricket ☻ shares
14 years ago
3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
JennasGOBO says
14 years ago
My DS loves that song! & Video! (heart)
♪ Çricket ☻
14 years ago
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