♪ Çricket ☻
27Friends 29Fans
female Somewhere, CO, United States
Just a gal trying to find her voice. Uncensored, real and a tad bit crazy and silly...Ok- a lot crazy and silly! ;-)

Linkin Park -  Leave Out All The Rest
♪ Çricket ☻ says
14 years ago 18
Has been a hard choice to make, but I think I will be deleting my brokencricket blog.. the new blog is going very,very well.. and...
♪ Çricket ☻ is
14 years ago 30
sorry she has been absent, just haven't had much plurk worthy to say I suppose. Easily distracted lately, keeps getting me into trouble. :-P
♪ Çricket ☻ is
14 years ago 11
still dragging from the sickie bug,ugg. Must get through the day, have to much to do to still be sick! Morning guys, happy Friday!!
♪ Çricket ☻ has
14 years ago 10
been sick all day... phooey!
♪ Çricket ☻ says
14 years ago 22
is making an old fashioned type banana cream pie! Yum! Good afternoon everyone! xo
♪ Çricket ☻ shares
14 years ago 59
https://images.plurk.com/6078595_bf25fc8ad880ed22b583f2fe5dff8d94.jpg Had a good weekend, got a lot of great photos. Was beautiful with all the trees turning!
♪ Çricket ☻ says
14 years ago 12
So, steamboat trip is back on. Ug, ppl need to make up minds around here! :-P
♪ Çricket ☻ says
14 years ago 13
Looks like steamboat is not going to happen. I'm actually relieved. This also means a long,alone weekend with just us, not even any kiddos!
♪ Çricket ☻ says
14 years ago 7
Steamboat trip this weekend... and too much to do before we leave.. more. coffee... pleaasssee!?
♪ Çricket ☻ says
14 years ago 3
Linda, you're set up to be notified when I post at the new blog, if anyone else would like this as well.. please let me know w/ email in PP.