tantrum says
14 years ago
lol chicken nuggets. aka chicken soft serve. s-ak.buzzfed.com/static/...
latest #181
kerosene says
14 years ago
tantrum says
14 years ago
mechanically separated chicken
kerosene says
14 years ago
oh? that shit is tasty.
14 years ago
pink chicken...yum..
Shiin says
14 years ago
so weird, ahahaha
14 years ago
good lord that looks so disgusting x_X
14 years ago
liquified meat.. ugh
Cra2y08 thinks
14 years ago
it's time to start distributing insta-spray meat in a can. meatz whiz, cheez whiz' retarded cousin.
14 years ago
Meatz Whiz used to be my porn name.
14 years ago
well i don't like meat, so.. yeah.
Brandon says
14 years ago
I'll still eat it ;-)
Cra2y08 says
14 years ago
im pretty sure it's gonna come back out looking the same as the picture rofl...ewww :-&
kerosene says
14 years ago
i'm still skeptical. who pours food directly into a cardboard box?
tantrum says
14 years ago
just read about mechanically separated meat ;p it's what chicken nuggets/hot dogs / ground beef etc. are
Shiin says
14 years ago
I always kind of wondered what part of the chicken nuggets were made from XD XD
kerosene says
14 years ago
i read a bunch on it after seeing this. doesnt say anything about being pumped into a box :-P
kerosene says
14 years ago
and i dont see it as being much different than spam
14 years ago
i think they're all in the same family!
Kayiko says
14 years ago
That's probably some weird japanese flav ice cream. Like.. chicken, or pig... something weird
tantrum says
14 years ago
here you go, a video of it being poured into a plastic covered box... but still pink and disgusting... automatic poultry deboner
14 years ago
I think I'm going to be sick
kerosene says
14 years ago
is it really any grosser than what we're more familiar with? Home Made Hydraulic Sausage Stuffer
kerosene says
14 years ago
Pepperoni See How It`s Made. ( Not P
kerosene says
14 years ago
i mean, fuck, animal parts are animal parts. i dont know how chicken paste is more shocking than filleted muscle.
kerosene says
14 years ago
mind you - im arguing the "controversy"/hype surrounding this picture going around. i find it neither attractive or abhorrent, personally
kerosene says
14 years ago
what i think is gross is that before that machine was used people were using compressed air to loosen extra bits of meat off the bones -
kerosene says
14 years ago
and thus were inadvertently inhaling meat particles which their bodies produced an autoimmune response
kerosene says
14 years ago
fun note - "chub" is mentioned in the last video. :-)
Shiin says
14 years ago
I'm with Brad - sure it's kind of gross but so is everything else haha
Kayiko says
14 years ago
totally. If you watch people make ground beef, it's gross.
red warrior says
14 years ago
I am in agreement. I see nothing wrong with meat like this.
tantrum says
14 years ago
i think all meat in general is gross. this picture is just so disconnected from the actual appearance/expectation of what enters your mouth
tantrum says
14 years ago
and that is where the interest comes from.
kerosene says
14 years ago
haha, you obviously don't know my love for "chicken spread" that looks pretty damned close. :-P
Kayiko says
14 years ago
barachan says
14 years ago
with meat i kind of actually prefer that it not look too much like an animal's intact muscles haha
barachan says
14 years ago
i can't handle anything like ribs or wings where you just rip the flesh right off the bone
barachan says
14 years ago
but i don't like meat too much to begin with, anyway
14 years ago
I'm not really a fan of the whole process of taking meats and shredding them and forcing them through .. things.. i dunno
14 years ago
I feel like the less it looks like meat, the less people realize what they are eating and feel less 'bad' about eating it
kerosene says
14 years ago
for once rose - we agree! MIRACLE OF MEAT.
kerosene says
14 years ago
but i definitely see your point kinar. i think there's a huge disconnect in the process of ALL foods.
barachan says
14 years ago
well...chicken nuggets are mostly meant for children...i think kids are less concerned with where food comes from
barachan says
14 years ago
i think it'd be real difficult to wean the west off its current "meat must be the primary focus of EVERY MEAL" mentality though ): even via
barachan says
14 years ago
barachan says
14 years ago
imo everyone should start cooking at home. that's probably what turned me flexitarian right there -- having to prep meat is gross lol
kerosene says
14 years ago
AGREED. and i hatehatehate the meat w/ every meal mentality. pissssses me off something fierce. it doesnt make you macho to eat a steak you
kerosene says
14 years ago
BOUGHT from a fucking WALMART.
kerosene says
14 years ago
(no offense, sarah.) :-P
Shiin says
14 years ago
lololol I love meat but I don't eat it with every meal, hell I don't even eat it every day. Steak doesn't make you macho no matter where it
Shiin says
14 years ago
comes from, it just tastes good (matter of opinion of course)
Shiin says
14 years ago
how does wanting meat with every meal become a mentality that elicits rage? it doesn't affect you directly
Shiin says
14 years ago
I enjoy a good steak every now and then (once a month MAYBE) and aside from not being a dude I don't feel it makes me macho :-P
Shiin says
14 years ago
I'm with Bara - prepping meat IS gross. I always make Matt do it XD
Shiin says
14 years ago
that kind of sounded like you meant it about me - I know what you meant hahaha
Kayiko says
14 years ago
I'm not a big red meat eater myself. I might eat some pork ribs once in a blue moon maybe. Pulled pork is better for me. and Bacon.
Kayiko says
14 years ago
But, the more processed meat get's, oddly, the more grossed out it makes me. i saw a thing of chicken nuggets today, and I had to gag at it
Kayiko says
14 years ago
now. I mean it's still meat, but soft serve chicken just seems so weird. That and it's like a hot dog, etc. you have no idea what's in
Kayiko says
14 years ago
kerosene says
14 years ago
oh man...pulled pork and hash how i love thee... but again, it's one of those lovies based on super spiced meat
14 years ago
the sound of pulled pork makes me cringe, prolly because we never had it growing up, lol
kina gives
14 years ago
me the same shuddering feeling as the words "baby back ribs"
Kayiko says
14 years ago
hahaha the name does sound mean XD. It's just pulling apart a piece of pork. Like if you would shred chicken. Or pull it apart. Now that i
Kayiko says
14 years ago
think about it.. it does sound pretty gross to make it.
Kayiko says
14 years ago
But it's soooo good. (hungry)
14 years ago
it's sad that animals have to die for my meals. but i always thank them for being so delicious.
14 years ago
and meat will never go away. if we didnt have animals, i'm pretty sure we'd eat each other.
kerosene says
14 years ago
Shiin says
14 years ago
my thoughts exactly hahahha our bodies were designed to eat meat. sorry veggies!
Kayiko says
14 years ago
such is the circle of life! Mufasa teaches us well! herbivores have been food to the carnivores for millions of years. So dont feel toooo
Kayiko says
14 years ago
Kayiko says
14 years ago
We are just blessed with the guilt emotion.
kerosene says
14 years ago
sort of....i read somewhere our appendices were made to handle raw meat or something. we're slowly evolving away from meat actually.
Kayiko says
14 years ago
I dont know about evolving. Since we still have an appendices. It's there for a reason. We just learned how to cook food now.
14 years ago
our bodies are actually NOT designed to process just meat. our intestines are too long, we have more molars than sharp teeth (vs dogs etc)
14 years ago
but yeah not many people eat "just" meat either. meat usually has rotted by the time it gets to the end of our too-long digestive tract
14 years ago
we do better without it (with less, anyway) but it's not like we can't handle it.
14 years ago
we just can use more from vegs than meat; rather we get more energy from eating things besides meat
14 years ago
i don't really want to turn this into a veg vs. omnivore convo because i really could care less what you guys ingest but i thought this
14 years ago
page was interesting.
14 years ago
"Our omnivorism means we're capable of eating meat (useful from a survival standpoint if that's all that's available), but our bodies
14 years ago
aren't geared for it to be a normal, significant part of our diets."
14 years ago
It's more like.. yeah meat is fine once in a while. which everyone here seems to agree with anyway, but our culture definitely is under the
14 years ago
impression that it needs to be in EVERY meal
14 years ago
people shouldn't be harassed just for wanting a veg option when they go out. I really do love mcDonald's once in a while or other fast food
14 years ago
but it's just annoying because all i can get are fries. i mean i love fries, but not everyone ALWAYS wants meat in their meal
14 years ago
14 years ago
and you don't have to be a vegetarian to want a meal without meat in it once in a while. that's what gets me. you take a veg option at some
14 years ago
14 years ago
...no, i just don't see the health benefits of having dead flesh at every meal.
14 years ago
kerosene says
14 years ago
i eat meat but want tasty veggie options! i love fake meat tacos! :-D
kerosene says
14 years ago
also - i kind of hate the teeth argument. that simply compares us (omnivores) to animals built primarily as carnivores
14 years ago
did you read the article?
14 years ago
it has some pretty good examples
kerosene says
14 years ago
more just nagging at those who use dogs vs people as "proof" we shouldnt eat meat
kerosene says
14 years ago
i DO like this point:
kerosene says
14 years ago
"Humans lack a desire to eat whole animals
kerosene says
14 years ago
True carnivores (and omnivores) salivate about the idea of eating whole
kerosene says
14 years ago
prey animals when they see them. Humans do not.
kerosene says
14 years ago
We're interested in eating the body parts only because they've been removed
kerosene says
14 years ago
from the original animal and processed, and because we grew up eating them, making it seem perfectly normal. It's amazing how
kerosene says
14 years ago
much of a disconnect we've been able to learn about the difference between animals and food."
red warrior says
14 years ago
Our species has been eating meat for hundreds of thousands of years, I'm pretty sure our bodies are evolved to process meat.
red warrior says
14 years ago
homo habilis are our ancestors and they were hunter gatherers about 2 million years ago.
Shiin says
14 years ago
omnivores. our teeth aren't all sharp because they don't have to be any more. humans have the capacity to innovate, that's why we dominate
Shiin says
14 years ago
hunter gatherer societies of history - fruit and berries, sure - but also meat. that was hunted. ancient spear heads and arrow heads? yeah
Shiin says
14 years ago
those were used for hunting
Shiin says
14 years ago
evolution is a slow process but the processing and harvesting of meat today has made it unnecessary for us to act the way our ancient
Shiin says
14 years ago
ancestors did. I don't need any nutritional supplements that a veggie might need from cutting meat out of their diet. not everyone, but some
Shiin says
14 years ago
humans can't fully digest plant matter either, so there goes that argument. cellulose!!
Shiin says
14 years ago
cave people ate MEAT
Shiin says
14 years ago
it's not exactly a recent development
Shiin says
14 years ago
and since then it's been a part of our diet and our bodies HAVE adapted to digest it.
Shiin says
14 years ago
like I said I don't eat it with every meal or even every day. I do think that these days nobody really thinks about where it comes from anym
Shiin says
14 years ago
anymore, and that itself can lead to questionable practices regarding processing and "harvesting". but meat is in demand and always will
Shiin says
14 years ago
be because that's the way it's been for thousands and thousands of years
Shiin says
14 years ago
just because we don't go out back and kill our meals with our own two hands or perhaps a spear like our ancestors did doesn't mean we
Shiin says
14 years ago
shouldn't eat meat, or that our bodies aren't designed for it.
Shiin says
14 years ago
Stephi mentioned the appendix earlier, another interesting subject to look at that unfortunately we don't know too much about
Shiin says
14 years ago
If it is there to help us digest meat, and once it is removed in modern times you can still digest meat, evolutionarily we've adapted
Shiin says
14 years ago
knives, which have existed for many many millennia, have made having sharp teeth less of an evolutionary priority
Shiin says
14 years ago
bottom line is I think if you ate meat exclusively you'd probably die XD that's why we're OMNIvores, I don't think anyone's arguing that
Shiin says
14 years ago
I wonder though, how a vegetarian would have fared in ancient times
Shiin says
14 years ago
by today's standards
Shiin says
14 years ago
because our bodies have adapted to digest meat, dietary requirements of today's veg would be way different I think
Shiin says
14 years ago
you know what I mean?
Shiin says
14 years ago
interesting to think about.
Shiin says
14 years ago
doesn't change the fact that we have adapted to eat meat, you'd have to take it up with ancient people lol
Kayiko says
14 years ago
well.. if you look back far enough, we were once part of the ape family were we not? And Apes do eat both meat and plants. So.
Kayiko says
14 years ago
but.. it would be funny to watch the first veggie man going around trying food. Like.. Poison Ivy.
Kayiko says
14 years ago
and Kina just made me sick...
Kayiko says
14 years ago
and not want to eat meat with that "its rotted by the time it gets to the end of your track anyway"
Shiin says
14 years ago
some primates have been known to cannibalize
Kayiko says
14 years ago
It's been documented. They do. And it is freaking messed up to watch.
Kayiko says
14 years ago
They showed it one "Planet Earth" thing. :-& At least we don't eat other humans because they are in our area.
Kayiko says
14 years ago
They even catch lil monkey's and eat them.
kerosene says
14 years ago
so why not eat cats, dogs, or horses?
Shiin says
14 years ago
some people do :-P and western society criticizes them
kerosene says
14 years ago
Would you? :-)
kerosene says
14 years ago
red warrior says
14 years ago
I would.
14 years ago
If I ate meat, I wouldn't discriminate.. i tried anything and everything my grampa gave me, lol. the strangest being lung and tongue. ew.
14 years ago
but yeah.. dead animal is dead animal, meat is meat! i had caribou for xmas once! lol
14 years ago
and if you're gonna get squeamish over eating a cat, then.. you shouldn't be eating meat in the first place, IMO
Shiin says
14 years ago
I have an "I'll try anything once" philosophy on life. some people keep pigs as pets and we eat those!
14 years ago
well, a lot of countries eat cats and dogs too, because those are dirt poor countries. and discerning tastes is one of the things that make
14 years ago
us human. It's fine to choose not to eat meat. but it's not the end of the world if you do.
14 years ago
come to think of it, the less meat you eat, the more meat I can eat. and the less plants i eat, the more plants you can eat.
14 years ago
so it really works out.
14 years ago
just remember, if the apocalypse happens, you herbavores better be fast on your feet.
14 years ago
and last point: to say why not eat cats or dogs if you eat meat is like saying well, you like salad, why not eat tree bark?
14 years ago
Coesistence without judgment, please. it's just food, it all goes to shit anyways. No point in debating how shit starts.
14 years ago
i have eaten tree bark! lol
kerosene says
14 years ago
Because food philosophy on the importance of meat socially is based 100% on perception. If you love meat, but refuse to face the realities
kerosene says
14 years ago
of what it actually is, then you shouldn't be a consumer of animal life.
kerosene says
14 years ago
What differentiates a dog from a cow in terms of meat ethically? Jack shit. I'm pretty sure no one really jumped into the "eww, I wouldn't
kerosene says
14 years ago
eat cats/dogs" because it was pretty obvious where that argument was heading.
kerosene says
14 years ago
My personal view for meat eating is moderation. A huge peeve of mine is hearing women going "I really don't like meat THAT much but my
kerosene says
14 years ago
My personal view for meat eating is moderation. A huge peeve of mine is hearing women going "I really don't like meat THAT much but my
kerosene says
14 years ago
husbands whines if he doesn't get meat with every dinner". And it's fucked up that I've heard this on PLENTY of occasions. Typically men
kerosene says
14 years ago
30+ seem to get that way - from my experiences at least.
kerosene says
14 years ago
And at the risk of sounding like a dirty hippy - our planet can't support harvesting animals en masse forever. As much as we need to think
kerosene says
14 years ago
about renewable energy we need to also think about sustainable food sources.
kerosene says
14 years ago
If we simply cut back a meal or two a week in regards to our meat consumption we eventually collectively bring the demand back down to
kerosene says
14 years ago
reasonable levels so supply isn't sprawling all through the place and rampaging through our resources.
red warrior shares
14 years ago
Lab-Grown Meat I thought this might be appropriate for this plurk.
kerosene says
14 years ago
Related: While PETA normally irritates the piss out of me: abcnews.go.com/Technolog...
kerosene says
14 years ago
though their stipulations kind of...blow.
kerosene says
14 years ago
woah - tangent: www.businessinsider.com/...
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