✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
I shouldn't let concrit get to me and never have before in my entire life of roleplaying, but I honestly do not want to play Raikov anymore.
latest #7
✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
And not because of the things that were said about /me/
✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
I'm not 5, I can take crit.
✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
But how they tell me to play him... It's just not /fun/
✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
If I need to play a super serious version of a ridiculously UNserious and JOKE character... I don't want to play.
✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
I don't give a fuck,
✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
I want to play because it's fun for me.
✡ Jeremyy ♫
14 years ago
Not because everyone else loves me.
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