it's not like i care... =/ so why am i afraid to post now?
I shouldn't let concrit get to me and never have before in my entire life of roleplaying, but I honestly do not want to play Raikov anymore.
I'm never roleplaying on LJ again. This is getting fucking ridiculous.
I should probably go to bed sooner tonight gaiz. But I don't want to 8| wat do.
I love Shia, she makes my heart go boom.
Old mac Big Boss had a farm. LALILULELO.
I just found someone who ships from South Park, Muraki/Hisoka, lives in Germany, and loves Rammstein. I have a new wife, I believe.
I kind of feel like I'm taking this too far but I guess I'm just a big fan of equality and not telling secrets/lies =/
I want it to be July >: or at least like... March.
I'm home sick today. Awesome :3 Actually it really is. I needed it badly. I'm gonna make some delicious food and work on my app~