Chakra Nova
13 years ago
Moment of weakness + lapse of judgment = a puppy
latest #21
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
At least the kiddos are extra smiley. :-)
WretchedDollie says
13 years ago
aww. please post some pics for us :-)
13 years ago
Aww... I bet they're tickled pink!!
Rowan says
13 years ago
AWWWW! Pics! We need puppy pics!!
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
Lemme see if I can figure this plurky pic thing out, lol...
Chakra Nova shares
13 years ago
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
I couldn't pry him from the childrens, haha. But that's Darwin the beagle. :-)
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
He's never spent time with people so it's been a challenge. But I think he'll like it here. :-)
WretchedDollie says
13 years ago
aww. a beagle! whatever you do, don't let that thing off the leash outside unless you have a fence.
13 years ago
so sweet... and a perfect name! He looks like a Darwin.
Ceejay Writer
13 years ago
Ohhhhhh. I'm not even a dog person, but melting of squee here.
Rowan says
13 years ago
AWWWWWW! He's having a GRAND Voyage!! Clever clever name! :-D
Tanarian says
13 years ago
Hooray! (How old is he, though?)
13 years ago
Our family has had several beagles and they are amazingly affectionate. :-D
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
The breed was completely coincidental, but I think we would have chosen a beagle. Really sweet and perfect size. He's 5 months...
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
My daughter chose the name from a baby names site, not knowing the history behind it, lol. She was so surprised at it, she did a small...
Chakra Nova
13 years ago
report on Charles Darwin and his ship. She's the sort of person I admired in school. I could never bring myself to do a report for fun!
Rowan says
13 years ago
That is so cool! I bet she was excited to find that link.
13 years ago
Sooo cute!
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