13 years ago
[Event 1: 1431] The one person he had fully given his heart to now spent whatever remainder of her life behind bars.
latest #103
13 years ago
But right now, she was being addressed in front of a court, tried for heresy, for these ignoramuses who accuse her of blasphemy when she
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utters about her visions from God. If she says yes, she will be convicted of heresy. If she says no, then she will have confessed her own
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guilt. But the question asked was a trap: "Do you know if you are in God's grace?" He could only watch under a cloak, horrified, as she
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replied, "If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me."
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watches on with a face devoid of expression. She sighs at the answer, tiring of both the war and the trial. She was tired of it all really._
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It left her with little room to feel compassion for anything, let alone a human life. She cast her gaze to the French man across the room, _
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noting the look on his face, but yet again unable to really relate at this moment. With her words, the trial would soon end.
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cannot see or look at anything else but the sight of the beauty before him. She was not even twenty, for goodness' sake, and here, she was
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already arrested and sentenced to possibly die? What kind of cold-hearted monsters were these English people? Even now, as he watches
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her, and her transcendent beauty, he can feel her quaking as she stands there, despite the brave but broken face she puts on. He wishes he
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could just reach out and grab her off the pedestal and hide her away from the world and live with him until she died naturally... but he
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could not. He had been allowed here on the count that he not try anything of the sort, so he could only shiver and watch as the court made
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their final judgements.
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listened on as they gave the judgement, breathing out a pitying sigh at the final verdict. Poor girl. But despite feeling this way, Ann was_
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not doing anything to stop it. She cast her gaze to the silent Arthur next to her, shaking her head. She wondered if he felt the same._
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"Excuse me..." She murmured, taking the time to slip outside. She needed some air now.
13 years ago
could have just about felt his heart drop literally to the bottom of his stomach when those final few words were announced. His brain short-
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circuited, and he tried to reach out to her, to just hold her and let her know that everything was going to be alright... even if it really
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wasn't going to be. As they took her away, he took a shaky step forward towards her, but the guards kept him back, and he could only let out
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one lone sob as they dragged her away.
13 years ago
missed France's reaction as she was on the balcony. The wind whipped her hair and she kept her green eyes focused on the distance. Things_
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were going to get better now right? Probably not. She realized that things were probably going to be strained for a long time. The fatigue_
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from her economic troubles was beginning to wear on her. She was tired and she wanted it to end. She placed her hands on the railing and _
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looked down at the people as they escorted the woman from the court house.
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immediately darts out of the courtroom when he is allowed to, not caring if his cloak is being soiled by the mud on the floor; he just has
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to see her. He finds a carriage just a ways away, and he assumes that that is where Jeanne is. But just as he takes the first step
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towards it, it drives away... and a stake is pierced through his heart. In a panic, he looks around for someone, anyone that could take
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him to wherever she's being held captive.
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's eyes meet his from the balony. She tilts her head to the side, questioningly.
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keeps looking around and finds a group of people sitting around a fire, but apparently, his heavy accent gives him away and they either
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promptly ignore him or cast pebbles at him. Merde.... But he's not going to give up. He looks up to the sky in prayer, when he sees her.
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Almost desperately, he tilts his head up and calls out, "Please... Angleterre, allow me to see her."
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listens to his pleas and purses her lips. "It's not as though I am in a position that would allow me to."
France thinks
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that her seeming calmness serves to only fuel his own panic. "What! You're the nation! You must have some power! Please, just a few
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minutes will do!"
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frowns at him. "You should know by now we don't have all that much power, France." She carefully crawls over the railing. "Put your arms_
13 years ago
13 years ago
"What?" He was aware of that, but... even... even just a little.. even just a few seconds. He was desperate at that point. The command
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only serves to confuse him some more. "Quoi?" He frowns. "I know we are in a war, Angleterre, but that does not mean you can boss me
13 years ago
13 years ago
jumped. She did give him warning. She used him as her landing pad.
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"Merde!" He collapses to the ground with a loud cry, before roughly pushing her off and drawing his sword. "I-if it is a fight you wish
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for, then so be it."
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smirks at his response. "Now is that any way to treat a lady? Let alone a Lady you just asked a favor from."
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's frown just gets that little deeper. "I can hardly call you a lady. Just because you are a female, it does not mean I do not loathe you
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as much as him." But he backs down a little. "It's not as though you can do anything. You just admitted it."
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stands up and dusts her dress off. "Ah, I feel the same. But it's not as though I am useless. I do listen. I may have...information. Ah..._
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but why should I tell such a rude man?"
France is
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getting unnerved by her too-calm actions, and instinctively looks around for the signs of an ambush. He grips his sword all the tighhter at
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the possibility of information, and his glare wavers. "You may? How can I trust the words of a cochon couché?!"
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huffs at him! "How dare you. You're the one who asked. I don't think I will share anything with you. Here I was feeling slightly gracious_
13 years ago
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relents a little. It was too difficult asking for something from the enemy, let alone one he'd been at war for who-knows-how-long. "I...
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I apologize..." He grits his teeth, the very words tasting bitter in his mouth. "S'il vous plait... tell me where they are taking her..."
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did her best to look down at him, but it didn't work very well with him being taller. "What was that, I didn't hear?"
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bites down on his tongue that is desperate to spit out venomous words at her and her idiotic pride. "I s-said, s-s'il vous plat, take me
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to my Jeanne..."
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takes pity on him now. She sighs deeply. "Very well, i think I can find a place in my heart to have some mercy. Come with me."
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sighs in relief. Maybe she was just a little better than the other one, who would have probably made him beg and plead on his knees.
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Sheathing the sword reluctantly, he nods and follows after her.
Ann will
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strike if he tries to break her out though. She would hold no mercy for someone who took advantage of her kindness. She leads him along_
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back alleys, making sure that neither of them were seen together.
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would not think that necessary, because male guards have been asked to guard her, instead of the nuns. He could not fight all at the same
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time. He's also keeping his distance, placing his hood back on.
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would rather be the one to deal with him since it would be her own folly for taking him there. "Stay here for a moment."
France will
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not go easy on her, in that case. He nods, still not liking being told what to do. He stays, nevertheless.
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would not forgive him if he did. She didn't want any handicaps for being a woman. She walks up to the guards and says a few words. They _
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leave in a rush after a moment. She looks back to him and motions for him to follow.
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stands back a few meters away and instinctively places his hand on the hilt of his sword. He takes a quick glance of his surroundings
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before trailing her.
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opens the door for him and lets him in. She closes it behind him and stands outside. It was the only entrance.
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jumps when the door is locked, panicking at the thought that it really might have been a trap... but when he hears rustling from inside, he
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makes his way towards it, fumbling a little in the dark, with only torches to give him light.
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leans against the door, sighing lightly. ((Shall I control Jeanne for a little bit?))
France wonders
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if this country's sense of taste will ever change, what with the extremely tacky decorum... ah, but why would he care? It wasn't his country
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at all... and definitely not the country to execute a nineteen-year-old... ((Yeah, sure!))
13 years ago
| She was startled hearing the door open. She was told that she would not get any visitors until the time of her execution and it was hardly
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time for dinner. She flinched as the light hit her eyes and hesitantly asked. "Who is there?"
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hears that very soft voice and immediately makes his way for it. He almost trips over a bump on the floor, but catches the bars of the cell
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| She gasps lightly at the sound. "Are you all right?" She calls out into the dark.
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stops himself from falling just in time. Light is more abundant here, and he sees her face. "J-Jeanne, my Jeanne...
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Je suis tellement désolé... Je... Je ne pouvais pas les arrêter..."
13 years ago
| She rushes to the bars, reaching out to touch his face in disbelief. "Non, ne vous excusez pas. Plutôt, pourquoi es-tu ici?_
13 years ago
Il est dangereux pour vous ..." ((Awww yeah google translate.))
13 years ago
"Je ne m'inquiète pas..." He shakes his head profusely, reaching through the bars to grasp her hands in his, hers already so cold from the
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bastard conditions down here. "Je suis tellement désolé, Jeanne ... Je ne peux pas m'excuser assez... Si seulement j'étais plus fort..."
13 years ago
| She only smiles at his words, forever putting on her brave front. She didn't regret what she did. "Je l'ai fait tout pour vous. _
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Je ne regrette pas tout ce que j'ai fait. J'aime mon pays et j'ai fait ce que je pouvais.
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Je savais que les dangers et toujours procédé dans cette voie. S'il vous plaît ne me pleurez pas, en France. "_
13 years ago
((..Idk why that _ is there but I was done.))
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longs to have that smile of hers be genuine, instead of just what feels to be her forcing herself to do it for his sake. Something about
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such a young woman doing so is just... disconcerting. Mais comment pouvez-vous me demander de ne pas pleurer? Cela est absurde!" Somehow,
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slight anger makes itself known. "Je ne vous oublierai jamais!" He stares at her with resolute eyes.
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| "Parce que c'est mon dernier souhait pour vous d'être heureux. Je ne suis qu'une petite partie de votre vie, mais je suis_
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heureux que j'ai été capable d'être une partie de celui-ci. Alors s'il vous plaît ne pleure pas. _
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Se souvenir de moi, mais s'il vous plaît continuer avec votre vie." She tells him, feeling genuinely happy by his words. She was truly_
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grateful and happy that he loved her so much.
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"Non, ne dites pas cela!" He almost has an urge to shake her free of that thought, if his hands weren't shaking so bad. Vous êtes une partie
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monumentale de ma vie..." Taking her stabler hands in his, he presses it to his heart, closing his eyes. Je ne vous oublierai jamais, je
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le promets..." He squeezes her fingers tightly. "J-Jeanne... Je t'aime..."
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|The young human girl smiles radiantly, tears now shining in her eyes. "Je t'aime. Je vous aime tellement. C'est pourquoi ... Je souhaite du
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fond de mon cœur que vous serez heureux, même si je ne suis pas ici. Notre rencontre a été brève
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mais significative. En fin de compte, la mort aurait attendu moi, peu importe quoi."
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