((Ah... need to go on a hiatus again. I'll be back in 1-2 weeks. >o< ))
walking through the Chunnel with important papers in hand, when a bolt somehow comes loose.
[Event 2] wonders what it is that's so scary about this place. There's a kitchen, and there's food. That's Heaven.
fidgeting with his bag outside the Louvre. He couldn't find his blasted cellphone.
doesn't quite remember how he ended up on a tree.
[Event 1: 1431] The one person he had fully given his heart to now spent whatever remainder of her life behind bars.
staring at a tombstone with a bouquet of flowers in hand. In the rain.
[Event 1: 1886] America's gift has been finally polished, finished, and officially dedicated.
[Event 1: 1337] - Outbreak of the Hundred Years' War. He is not pleased with the possibility of an English king ruling over him.