12 years ago
Just got back from spending hours in the hospital.. they are admitting my grandpa in for the night. Really worried about him.
latest #23
12 years ago
Mellie says
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
scbound: They kept him overnight because his ekg was abnormal and they were worried he was at risk for a heart attack
12 years ago
Plus he had no appetite, and was very weak/disoriented for days and seemingly just getting worse.
12 years ago
He's diabetic, has a pacemaker, etc so I think a lot of it was also just being extra cautious especially because of his age
12 years ago
They put him on oxygen and it has really helped. I haven't been in to see him just yet because I had to work some but mom says he
12 years ago
seems more like himself so I'm hoping that means he might be getting released today
12 years ago
Latest update.. he isn't coming home today and I'm not sure when he will be :l they are transferring him to the big hospital tomorrow
12 years ago
They are waiting on tests regarding his kidneys.. also has heart damage
12 years ago
and they have a whole slew of tests they want to run
(cozy) let me know what's going on, really hope he gets better soon... I will keep you in my prayers.
12 years ago
They are moving him to the big hospital now to run another test.. not looking like he's gonna be coming home today either.
12 years ago
Found out he had a car accident & totaled his car a week before the trip but he didn't tell anyone.
12 years ago
i'm sorry, mel
12 years ago
He has a blocked valve.. we'll be talking to the doctor in the am for more exact details but right now looking like he needs surgery
12 years ago
Just trying to figure out whether he's gonna have it here or be stubborn and go back to NJ
rose: well I hope he decides on what's best for him right now because to go back would be a bad idea...
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