15Friends 13Fans
female Hollywood, FL, United States
"I'm the weird one, mister."

books • food • gamer • psychology • bad movies
6 years ago 1
I'd really like to start using this again but I don't really have any active friends left. :-(
6 years ago
I still remember my password! I still like pizza.
8 years ago 2
Almost everyone seems to know him as Snape from the Harry Potter films but he will always be Hans from Die Hard to me! One of my favorite films. RIP Alan Rickman :-(
8 years ago 2
Really want to be healthy, really want to eat a whole pizza. The struggle.
8 years ago 2
The best part of waking up is that it is time for coffee. That and the being grateful for waking up at all aspect of course.
8 years ago 2
Does anyone else turn into a rock star in the shower? :-))
8 years ago
A lot of my plurks from 2011 talk about me having pizza.. fast forward to 2016, and guess what I'm having tonight?! I'm consistent, I like it. :-P
8 years ago 7
I need an adult and before anyone reminds me that I am an adult, I need an adultier adult.
8 years ago 9
"When I hear the word adventure, my heart bursts to life."
9 years ago 2
Cleaning is done. I swear.... pushing around the mop is arm exercise.