DeDe says
12 years ago
one of the squirrel opened one eye and is stalking me like a pirate (LOL) they are so cute and so attention demanding
latest #13
12 years ago
i am sleeping in breaks coz i need to feed them once at least 4 hours.. in day i feed them once a hour, in night once with a 4 hours gap
12 years ago
they started jumping out of their box whenever they are hungry.. and looking around with closed eyes >.< they scared the crap outta my dog
12 years ago
Paco Pooley
12 years ago
awwww that is soo cute.... (heart)
12 years ago
you're a good squeak mom ;-) (cozy)
12 years ago
are these rescued baby squirrels?
12 years ago
and do you have to help them pee like you do baby kittens?
King Julien
12 years ago
yes DesignerDeanimator, you're gonna be their mom, so you'll have to teach 'em squirrel stuffz, if ever wanna let them back in the wild
King Julien
12 years ago
...that or have them at home and risk being bitten to the bone for like ever
12 years ago
luboplubeau: they bite? :-o
12 years ago
Voshie: donno about pee..
12 years ago
and whats squirrel stuff!
King Julien says
12 years ago
whatever squirrels do in the wild
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