820Friends 82Fans
female Secondlife, United States
You name it, I've pretty much have done it all (except the whole escort thing, although it might be worth looking into ;P)

My blog HodgePodge
Store blog La Petite Morte
3 years ago 4
Hello people! I haven't been on in so long. I swear it seems like I pop back every 8 months or so now lol
4 years ago 5
so i decided at 3:30 am to redo my entire store and sim
4 years ago
Apps for Hallow Manor are now open! Hallow Manor
4 years ago
So just had my second Master Gardener's class.... while it's semi interesting atm... I'm really wanting to get into the veggie part of the course. But that's not for another few weeks yet! sighs
5 years ago 3
Maybe instead of hiding behind a fucking anonymous button, come out and actually ASK THE FUCKING PEOPLE INVOLVED.
5 years ago 5
LMAO my karma is down to freaking 85 as I haven't been on here in so long XD
5 years ago
doing a complete new store build and switching to a vendor system is FOR THE BIRDS. WHYYYYY DID I DECIDE TO DO THIS
5 years ago
so it looks like the majority are migrating to instagram.....i've never signed up for it, this will be interesting lol