Glam Bam Boa shares
11 years ago
photos of her weight loss progress. :-) ProgressProgress
latest #24
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
one day i will look like Glam ;-)
♔ᒪᑌᒪᑌ. says
11 years ago
Congrats! You're looking great & happy! Also, I want your dress
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
Kohls! :-)
Fianna Idora
11 years ago
awesome! contracts on your progress!
Fianna Idora
11 years ago
congrats* too!
11 years ago
OMG you look awesome! Great job!
11 years ago
oh wow! amazing! and you are so lucky you keep your boobs as you lose weight! mine go bye bye :-(
11 years ago
way to go!!
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
lol, it seems keeping your calories within a healthy range helps keep your boobs. When I lost 100lbs. before I lost my T&A because I was practically starving myself.
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
I'm making sure to eat my calories, don't go under or over, and if i do go over make up for it by exercies or adjusting my caloric intake for the rest of the week. The big picture ;-)
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
thank you everyone, I still have 30 pounds to go but I'm in no rush. :-)
11 years ago
i think that's the best way to go at it too. sure, i'd love to wake up tomorrow be thinner, but it doesn't work that way and i want to be healthy and good to my body. i'll pay for it later if i don't.
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
I have to say, i love how the most asked question is "how did i keep my boobs" LOL
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
both IRL and online :-)
99% Caffeine-a
11 years ago
How she keeps her boobs? its genetic ;-)
99% Caffeine-a
11 years ago
btw... Awesome job!
✴Sparkling✴ says
11 years ago
Congrats you look great
Wow you look fab!!!
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks ladies and gents! :-D
[Codie ~]#
11 years ago
[Codie ~]#
11 years ago
you are shaped like Codie but IRL
Glam Bam Boa
11 years ago
hahaha yessssssss, my mom said i have a Jane Mansfield body now...I EFFIN WISH!
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