11 years ago
I have a cold. sniffle
latest #9
11 years ago
rummages through her pilfered emoticons That's as close as I have to a cup of tea.
11 years ago
Feed a cold....Starve a fever? or is it feed a fever starve a cold?..... hmmm.. Let's see...30 days hath September all the rest I can't remember.....
11 years ago
getting old is fun......
LeeHere says
11 years ago
Ooh, tea.
11 years ago
Lee's gonna have 1000 karma within a week.
Auryn Beorn
11 years ago
I can offer... Actually, nothing (for the cold). But perhaps a big picture of chicken soup and this do something (what, that I don't know.)
Dresden Ceriano
11 years ago
May I suggest you lace your tea with honey, lemon and a generous helping of Southern Comfort... it may not cure your cold, but have enough, and you'll no longer care that you've got one.
LeeHere says
11 years ago
Chicken soup and a hot toddy. I'm all for it. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
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