10 years ago
I don't get it I know I haven't been in the kids community long but I hate hypocrite people they get butthurt n batch about when someone uses a Google cartoon with no license to use it but here they go and
latest #20
10 years ago
Does it and think they can do it cause there big shoot names but when others do it they have to ruin everyone n get Em ban or remove from a event I don't think is fair that some stores can use copy Disney
10 years ago
cartoons n others can't is b.s all these stores are noting but hypocrite point fingers when others do it but when someone does is bad n make drama.... no wonder I sent wanna play no more
10 years ago
don't let get to u bud
10 years ago
10 years ago
I'm not godmom just angry not sure why people must get butthurt and I bet u no one will say a word about people in that event using Disney cartoons at least the ones at other event r allow to
10 years ago
I need another vacation
Amy (Scarlet)
10 years ago
Honestly, it's really not okay for any store, big or small, to be using images that have a copyright on them.
10 years ago
take your butt to bed young man and like we talked don't let shit get to you. and u just came back from vacty wtf is Xmas
10 years ago
i agree Scarlet but people think cause they big names or well known or been years in this they can do it and is wrong cause i really enjoy being a kid but always drama and other people get butthurt so make
10 years ago
Bad rumors so others get kick out from events or remove and not fair.
10 years ago
dale go to bed not worth it
Gracie says
10 years ago
tbh i do not understand why people STILL use copyright things. it's maddening.
Angelic❋Amber says
10 years ago
???? * wonders what this is all abouts *
Sparkle Kitty says
10 years ago
I know what you are referring to, at least I think I do and I saw it and just laughed and rolled my eyes, too.
Sparkle Kitty says
10 years ago
And they had to take the mesh upload test which CLEARLY states that it's copyright infring'ment. Lol
Angelic❋Amber says
10 years ago
i still dont get what it ish
Angelic❋Amber says
10 years ago
someone wanna clue me in on what going on pweese :-)
10 years ago
It's just sad cause these are people everyone knows and hangs out and sstill have the nerves to tell them the item is nice wtf this is what ruins the kids community and starts drama. sorry I just had to vein
Angelic❋Amber says
10 years ago
what ish you talkin about ayden? I'm soo confusefd
10 years ago
Amber get in skype lol
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