116Friends 45Fans
female SecondLIfe, United States
I's 2 1/2 years old.. I likes candies, dollies an rainbows! Mys favwites animals ares horsies and kitties. Mys twinny an me ish two peas in pod ^_^ An we gots da bests parents ebbers.
Angelic❋Amber says
7 years ago
I added new stuff to mine gacha store.. Rares and more! Second Life Marketplace - My Gacha Store by Amber Shirakawa
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago 1
has anyone started a yard sale list yets?
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago
Does anyone knows any good skins that work with bebe mesh heads?
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago
i added mores gacha items to my marketplaces listings! check it outs ! Second Life Marketplace - My Gacha Store by Amber Shirakawa
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago
Check out my marketplace yardsale store ... Second Life Marketplace - My Gacha Store by Amber Shirakawa Lots great stuff at great prices
Angelic❋Amber says
8 years ago
I added lots to my marketplace yard sale listins.. Second Life Marketplace - My Gacha Store by Amber Shirakawa
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago 8
I have the following items up for grabs if anyone wants them! Message me in world and let me know what you want from these three images please! Giving these away for free!
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
has anyones seen or knows who makes da wizard robes fors toddleedoo babys? I trying help a fwiend finds dems
Angelic❋Amber says
9 years ago
anyone know who makes this hair? https://slm-assets1.seco...