Ser Pounce
10 years ago
Hellos everyone sorry i´m still RL busy :-P i promise to try and at least come back partially at some point soon, but past 3 months have been pretty overwhelming
latest #7
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
good stuff tho not bad little niece being born and eldest brother going to uni this week meant i didn´t have much time for anything at all it´s why i only logged in to SL about 4 times in 3 months almost
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
and i´ve only checked plurk to keep you guys sorta of updated
10 years ago
aww don't stress! enjoy this time, it's obviously important <3
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
right now it´s just so much going tbh last weekend i had the whole weekend off to myself but i seriously couldn´t get back to sl
Ser Pounce
10 years ago
cause this week was gonna be chaotic
10 years ago
Happy to hear from you.
10 years ago
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