10 years ago
Plotting: Section 5 exploration and Surface trip
latest #24
10 years ago
Section 5: thinking of putting a post up today with Celena putting this into motion with the given proposal of portalled in drone to investigate before portalling in a team.
10 years ago
Kippur how long would it likely take for Kale to put a drone together, if he hasn't already?
10 years ago
Secondly thinking of having 'Vadum put a trip to the surface together to run supplies/check on Zizih. Among other things, anyone that has plans in regards to the surface can jump on this as well.
10 years ago
For instance I know that at least one of the Doctors' wants to take the Tardis down to recharge I believe?
10 years ago
Lemme slide this over in here, then. Book would be happy to pilot the Serenity for this. Ah, Jack put forth the idea that they should find the location of the
10 years ago
disruptor cannon, but he certainly doesn't need to actually be there for that. That's more for Smith, and all the other techie peoples.
10 years ago
Sounds good in that case indeed. Give a few things for people to do on surface.
10 years ago
And Serenity would leave more wiggle room for who goes where
10 years ago
How dangerous is the planet?
Cramble Grenton
10 years ago
Smith would be more than glad to help with either mission
10 years ago
Hmm... I'm always happy to put Bertie in danger, but would it be IC for the security folks to let him go? Happy for him to grump on the Station if not.
10 years ago
Unintentional stowaway? I can dig it!
Cramble Grenton
10 years ago
Excellent 8D
10 years ago
10 years ago
Well in the case of the trip down there would be security present to protect those who go down to the planet, as long as they agree to not go wandering off on their own and the like.
10 years ago
Stowaways also work xD
Porg Herder
10 years ago
If he has all the toys, not long and he's probably been working on one already.
10 years ago
Sounds good then
10 years ago
Just realized for some reason you weren't on my timeline. O.o Eleven definitely wanted to get the TARDIS down there to recharge her batteries a bit, so to speak, although that implies Four's cooperation.
10 years ago
Oh huh, didn't realize I didn't have you on here as well. And certainly, they'd be able to take it down this time assuming they both wish to
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