17Friends 2Fans
female Melbourne, Australia

Homeless- Hogan Bight/Crucible
Rtas 'Vadum
9 years ago 1
Apologies for tag delays, have had on going net troubles here since mid last week that has barely been letting anything load at all.
9 years ago 3
9 years ago 7
In regards to the Loki situation, would it be reasonable to explain Celena and 'Vadum's absence from the situation as them having been on a scheduled run to the surface to take supplies down?
9 years ago 18
Internship finally over, sorry I disappeared for a while there, things got a bit difficult to focus on. Finally should be able to return to focus on things though. I'm guessing I've missed a bit >.>
9 years ago 2
Sorry for disappearing the last few weeks, ended up getting internship for Uni and all so has had me busy with all ends of things, let me know if I'm needed anywhere in particular.
9 years ago
Sorry about the slowness the last few days, been a little out of it and have an interview later on today. Will get back to it tonight after that hopefully.
9 years ago 2
Sorry for the delay on tags the last few days, been thrown out of whack by work, will get to them tomorrow morning.
9 years ago 2
Just letting people know got IRL things weighing down me at the moment that I've got to focus a bit more on, so may be slow at times. Feel free to ping me if you need me anywhere though.
9 years ago 4
Just a quick note, if you need me anywhere feel free to ping me on here. For some reason notifications on DW haven't gone through for me the last few days.
10 years ago 3
Furikuchan I take it that it'd be safe to assume that 'Vadum would have given Jack back his Vortex manipulator (Rimmer included)?