He also said, "“Gaming is just about the only industry that has the set of tools and skills needed for VR. At it’s core, VR is an extension of gaming,”
Yeah, gaming is the only place with people with the skills... That's why Cory Ondrejka convinced Zuckerberg to pay him 2 billion. I think calling others narcissists reflects on what his own use would be....
When I objectively consider how much narcissism plays in my SL experience, I would have to say virtually nothing. Seriously. Unless it's narcissistic to make art and talk to your friends...
The reason that shopping is the number one SL experience isn't narcissism, as much as play. It's fun and interesting to create an avatar look and change it often.
I reread the narcissist comment and it seems to me he is saying that Oculus will enable people to show off their wonderful virtual lives to others. IMO, this is only a small part of the actuality.
I've gone back and forth about narcissism related to avatar identity. On one hand, if you look at Flickr, many people post mostly photos of themselves. Is this narcissism or creative expression?