9 years ago
made it back alive from Anaheim! We were at the Star Wars Celebration convention. It was a lot of fun and we got to spend time with a lot of people we haven't seen in for-ev-er.
latest #8
ChelseaGirl says
9 years ago
9 years ago
(dance) glad you had fun!
Paul thinks
9 years ago
that looked like a lot of fun
9 years ago
It was! I actually wore my armor this time. The husband wore his Vader and Mashmind was another Stormtrooper. We couldn't go 5 feet without someone wanting a photo. So much more room than Comic-Con, too.
lindes asks
9 years ago
Did you blast the photo wanters with your blasters? ;-)
Deathamus says
9 years ago
of course! ;-)
9 years ago
Most of them wanted to be Force choked by Vader. He gets all the attention.
lindes was
9 years ago
thinking that might be the case. Heh.
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