64Friends 60Fans
female Alpine, CA, United States
Even if a man is pure at heart
and says his prayers by night -
A wolf he will become,
when the wolfbane blooms
and the autumn moon is bright.
Deathamus says
9 years ago 7
"hi" All! I've been offline - work, etc... I've missed you! I hope everyone is doing well. (wave)
Deathamus says
9 years ago 2
it's Comic-Con time again. It's fun, but kinda stressful.
Deathamus says
9 years ago 4
my niece finally set up a deviantart account: taminoll. She is so good!
Deathamus asks
9 years ago 4
Monday already? I'm not ready!
9 years ago 18
bought a pair of pants and they are size 12. 12! I can't remember the last time I could fit into that size. I remember looking for size 13s in high school.
9 years ago 8
made it back alive from Anaheim! We were at the Star Wars Celebration convention. It was a lot of fun and we got to spend time with a lot of people we haven't seen in for-ev-er.
9 years ago 8
just signed up for the Jeopardy! online test! :-D
Deathamus is
9 years ago 13
enjoying a floating holiday off from work today. :-D
Deathamus is
9 years ago 14
back from Seattle. What a whirlwind trip! I'm sorry I didn't get to meet any Seattle folks. The time flew!