I'm not going to say it.. actually.. i will.. Jo Yardley and Draxtor.. I TOLD YOU SO... shoving Occulus down everyones throats along with the rest of the "elite luvvies" of SL... www.demanjo.com/news/tec...
There's the MINIMUM specs for Occulus Rift, you need a £1000+ gaming rig to run it, which the vast majority of SL users dont have. Now can we please shut the fuck up about occulus now? Thank you...
Know what's funny? It looks almost exactly like a headset that came out in the mid-90's that you could attach to the Super Nintendo and have an alleged "VR" experience while playing Mario. Todays Tech can't..
until they solve the input problem, it's all a moot point as far as I'm concerned. I suppose passive entertainment consumption might be great in it (depending on vertigo when the "film" moves your POV)
So only some people will be able to use it, same as people who drive expensive cars or can take trips abroad. I can't, but I don't deny that fun to others. Not understanding the put down, actually.