deaklet says
9 years ago
WWPD? Traveling with niece & nephew, 3.5yo. Potty stop for nephew, who refuses to go. I chat with him, and he says "you need to go potty!"
latest #19
deaklet says
9 years ago
I agree, ask if he wants to go with. He says yes, jumps into my arms. He pees, then points to me for my turn.
deaklet says
9 years ago
Do my business, wash hands, exit. BIL & SIL say nothing. J thinks I shouldn't pee in front of nephew bc I'm not blood relative.
deaklet says
9 years ago
9 years ago
I would have done exactly the same at that age.
9 years ago
I don't see what the blood relative thing matters in this context.
9 years ago
Given that your nephew's parents seemed to be just fine with it (and were probably THRILLED that someone was able to talk him into the potty stop) I'd say that J should butt out. So to speak.
9 years ago
So a mother can't pee in front of her adopted child? Seems like an odd, irrelevant distinction to me.
9 years ago
Besides - are you not your nephew's blood relative?
9 years ago
the blood relative thing seems silly, what is the difference? And at that age, I wouldn't see anything wrong with it.
9 years ago
I'd say if the parents were cool with it, that's all that matters. If it bothered them, well...note to self for next time.
9 years ago
I agree.
9 years ago
If the parents were cool with it, I can't see a problem. Wouldn't have bothered me if it were my child in that situation.
9 years ago
I agree with shoefreak.
9 years ago
this ^^^
deaklet says
9 years ago
It's J's brother's kid. :-)
turtle_morn says
9 years ago
sole dissenter. I would not send a potty training kid into the bathroom with my SIL and I'd be annoyed if they invited my kid to go into a stall with them when I was right there.
turtle_morn says
9 years ago
not in an issue with seeing somebody else pee kind of way, but in an undermining my parenting kind of way.
9 years ago
I assumed from the original plurk that the parents were totally fine - they'd seen the interaction before Leslie walked into the bathroom
9 years ago
If the parent wouldn't send the kid, then that's different --
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