My dad is headed to MKE for the first time this weekend. He's already booked at the Bavarian Bierhaus on Sat. What else should a 70+ soccer player and beer enthusiast do?
Just need some hugs. Asthmatic 14yo Ronin kitty went in for diaphragmatic hernia repair this am. Too much fluid in lungs, suspected pneumonia. Seized when coming out of anesthesia. Now being monitored. Poor dude.
Non-anon AN love-in thread. Go.
I remember, at one point, caring what my plurk karma was at because of likes and discussions and whatnot.
who are our database gurus? I need a cloud-based database for trip planning. I also need to learn how to use a database.
also advice on places to stay in LA. We're staying one night, Sunday 14 Feb, after a family wedding in Santa Barbara. We don't fly out until midafternoon, so proximity to LAX isn't key.
advice on leggings. I have 2pr from Target, fleece-lined, L/XL. They keep falling down. Does that mean they are too small or too large? Need better waist elastic? Any better source for fleece-lined leggings?
a group AN plurk hug. I really, really appreciate all the viewpoints I hear from all of you. I may vehemently oppose some things, but I learn from all of you.
Bro: Today is nat'l pierogi day!
Mom: yeah, [PA bar] is having a special today. Too bad I'm in Tampa.
<wah, wah>