Kalia Firelyte
7 years ago
So, apparently the newest thing we've had people complaining to us about is people naming empty boxes after our gacha rares and selling them as such on the MP.
This a typical thing? Is there any recourse I/the scammed person can take?
7 years ago
yeah, it's a thing and you have to be careful, I look for the original packaging so I'm sure I'm getting what I want.
7 years ago
they need to report it to LL, there's nothing you can do except perhaps note the name of the scammer and AR them and ban them where you can
7 years ago
I've gotten duped more than once with that scam, but there's nothing much to do when you're thrifting like that.
7 years ago
Only AR unfortunately, and flag all their other listings in MP. And in the future, the buyer should always ask to see the RARE box inworld so they can inspect it. :-(
7 years ago
It happens in-world as well, in yard sales. I've had people scam me by putting fake objects inside boxes and selling them at yard sales.