7 years ago
Sorry for seeming like a flake: mom took a turn for the worse and had to drop everythang and dash out of state for a bit.
Radi says
7 years ago
She's actually better this last week than pretty much any time since the stroke, so I think at least we got to the bottom of what was causing the problem (she doesn't breathe well at night).
Radi says
7 years ago
STILL I must look like an awful RP failwaffle.
Radi says
7 years ago
IN OTHER NEWS: I DID get cut out of a car! It was really fun, which is a weird word to use for 'played dead while people broke glass and crushed metal around me'.
Radi says
7 years ago
Looks like I'm too late for this month's CR meme, but I will do my best to get stuff going!
7 years ago
glad to hear she's doing better!