His Lullaby
7 years ago
[doubleplurk] So I probably won't get any more games for my Switch until after Christmas now. I'm afraid to ask my parents for anything other than accessories because the games are so expensive for this system...
His Lullaby says
7 years ago
I really want Pokken Tournament and probably Skyrim.
His Lullaby says
7 years ago
I've decided that my biggest mistake with the Wii U was getting Zelda: Twilight Princess. I just couldn't get into it, and I've tried the game 3 different times. It was a waste of 50.00, and I'm so disappointed that I couldn't handle it. So that being said, the biggest launch title for the Switch was Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.
His Lullaby says
7 years ago
I DO want to get Flip Wars. But I need to see if there is a single player mode first.
His Lullaby says
7 years ago
His Lullaby says
7 years ago
In January, I think, we start paying for online service. How's that for being a real gamer, Daniel? Now even my company charges for online multiplayer games.