I am a writer, and I love to read. Or maybe I am a reader because I like to write. Err...either way. Also, I am a soul bonder. I came to terms with this last summer. My bonds like to jump in on conversations. ADvanced apologizes.
So torn. Part of me wants to scrap my old tumblr completely, and start a whole new one (not one that's connected to said Tumblr) . The other part is like, "But do you really want to take the time to find all those awesome followed blog again?"
[Mute] I'm so tired. TIRED of everything. Tired of fighting about budget, tired of having to justify myself. Tired of....sleeping every day, tired of being judged on my spending when CERTAIN people wanna do it all the time.
[Writing] Seriously? NaNoWriMo, my "sport" is in two months. What am I doing planning another fanfic and for a fandom I just joined? Shouldn't I, you know, know more about it? Lemres apparently doesn't think so
[doubleplurk] So I probably won't get any more games for my Switch until after Christmas now. I'm afraid to ask my parents for anything other than accessories because the games are so expensive for this system...