☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
[jjba] it's Friday!
latest #11
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
I think it's gonna take a few more rounds for Fighting Gold to grow on me, but they made Jodeci work so I ain't even mad
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
also Trish is in the OP and ED where she belongs
5 years ago
i love fighting gold sm .... the opening with that statue killed me and i had to replay it to get it to high def on crunchy
5 years ago
the ed tho. im in tears
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
the ED is the afterparty
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
just roll up, do a little bump n grind, maybe stab someone...
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
oh shit, the statue! I approve
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
it's not gonna be that many rounds for Fighting Gold to grow on me, the imagery is fantastic
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
also also, Giorno ripping his own arm off is definitely his freaky necromancer version of the zoom punch, I will hear no arguments
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
https://66.media.tumblr.com/27d416eac2916a3eab54822bf1669f90/tumblr_pghwqm64LM1tqvsfso2_540.jpg https://66.media.tumblr.com/5a621a6e18df9be232904c27eee236c2/tumblr_pghwqm64LM1tqvsfso1_540.jpg
☆ Starboy ☆
5 years ago
WAIT SHIT I wanted to mention how much I love that they created a parallel of Giorno buying that kid an ice cream in the first episode with Haruno getting ice cream for free in this episode, it's so good
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