☆ Starboy ☆
14Friends 2Fans
female Cincinnati, OH, United States
Mostly I'm just here because I'm nosy.

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☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 14
nekomiao I got your package! thank you so much!
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 3
my sister is in such deep need of an attitude adjustment it's unreal
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 5
the sorting hat says I'm leaning Hufflepuff these days, but still firmly Ravenclaw https://images.plurk.com/1vhnr5TrgswJ51JgaR7f8U.jpg
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 15
I'm sure this is a huge surprise, but I'm dropping Jotaro
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 7
<- a man possessed <- Effing
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 7
I'm not gonna get into detail here because it's fucking exhausting, but my sister's bullshit continues, hence the radio silence
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 3
[jjba] oh my fucking god??? my tv just updated and now it has this TV Plus thing, and the anime channel is airing Vento a week behind the live broadcast right this second
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 3
mama's got a new crusher for justice https://images.plurk.com/1ReuLcGHjeVrhdwnL8r4JL.png
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 5
Jotaro at the event!
☆ Starboy ☆
6 years ago 13
there's a gd wicker man