5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
If you're at a loss as to your character's AU backstory, there are some great ideas coming up on the AU workshop - including this circus proposed by sharkattack . If you've got a performer character, I'm told the circus is looking for acts...!
latest #9
Sprinkle Bones
5 years ago
Yay! I could definitely use some help with Ib here.
flutterpony I just hit up your post. Feel free to add me here if you want to chat about circus things
Sprinkle Bones
5 years ago
sharkattack: Sure! I really like your ideas.
Ohh first time seeing this game go around
Too late to get in?
5 years ago
fourboars Of course not! The game won't open until the end of the month - there's still plenty of spaces and plenty of time to try it out.

(Responding from this and not the mod plurk because I am lazy and Firefox crashed so my tab where I'm signed in there has gone. oops)
5 years ago
Also there's no app cycle so if you don't get one in until after the game opens you're not out of luck; you can still put one in and they'll not put it on hold just because of that
Both those points are good to know! Clearly I've got more reading to do
5 years ago
drops this for input of any kind pls I'd be grateful!!
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