Kenadee Reign
5 years ago
something has got to give.... you ever just feel like the whole world is caving in and you wanna give up?? ugh. sorry for the dramatic downer post... I'm just so in my feels right now and need to vent lol. blah this is not usually me... I hate it. tell me happy things from your week/weekend!!
latest #14
You are soooo allowed to be in your feels! You’re dealing with a lot! Sunny days are ahead I just know it!
Rainbow Mubble
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
you're dealing with a lot, let it out and breath. you'll get through this.
Darling Potato
5 years ago
I know those feels all to well, vent all you like <3
5 years ago
Izzie Bizzie
5 years ago
5 years ago
A friend is here from out of town, and going to a concert on Tues
5 years ago
I have been staying at my parents for the past 2 weeks, totally enjoying them even if my mom occasionally scolds me Stealing my kids' crisps rn.
5 years ago
We're taking advantage of the beautiful weather and shopping the St-Laurent street fair today and later the Asian Night Market in Chinatown. Tomorrow we might do the Hochelaga street fair and taco fest at the old port.
5 years ago
It is okay to get in your feelings for a while. You can always message me to vent. (heart)
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