Kavar says
4 years ago
so my parents phone was busted yesterday, I could hear them but they couldn't hear me, so I went on amazon to send them replacements handsets with bigger buttons so they wouldn't have to go out but now I'm paranoid the delivery guy will have the virus so
latest #15
4 years ago
I'm thinking of calling them to tell them to let them leave it between the storm doors and spray it with lysol before they bring it in.. is this cautionary, or completely paranoid insanity.
4 years ago
Everyone has implemented no contact deliveries over here. They ring the doorbell and leave the package/food/whatever at the door and stay 2 metres away until you come out and take it.
4 years ago
We are all paranoid and insane. Embrace it.
Gogo ♔ says
4 years ago
youre insane but its adorable
Le Pumpkin
4 years ago
You’re just being careful.
4 years ago
better save then sorry right? I dunno, I just don't want to like scare them or anything, they are already on edge, but I also don't want them to be going out somewhere crowded either.
Gogo ♔ says
4 years ago
teach them how to grocery delivery
4 years ago
they don't live in a place with that kind of service, which for the first time in my life I'm oddly glad about. they stock up on food so thats all fine cause tis very rural
Le Pumpkin
4 years ago
I know you don’t want to scare them, but you kinda have to. They need to not be in public right now.
4 years ago
right I called them and told them to let them leave it there and spray it, they laughed but I was like do not touch it until its sprayed lol. so they promised they would and they seemed amused by my ordering them around, so that part was fine, but even during a pandemic we couldn't pass up the "don't spend your money on us" portion of the conversation lol
4 years ago
Yes, spray the package. Put on gloves to bring it in, then let it sit for a couple of days. This is my paranoia. I've been spraying packages for awhile, but I understand they're seeing that this virus does stay on surfaces for up to 2 days.
4 years ago
yeah I saw that too was it someone was saying it can survive for ages on hard surfaces I think? not sure how accurate any of it is but even the idea of that is daunting
4 years ago
It is. But spraying and waiting, then spraying again later might be a good protocol until we know more.
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
The virus doesn’t survive as long on cardboard boxes as it does on plastic or metals.
Hard surface 3 days, card board 1 day
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