Leslie spent the first, like...8 chapters of her canon with extensive burn scars on at least her arms from not getting any treatment, which were painful, but Duchess Salvatore brought in a healer to treat them when they met and everything got healed.
Given there are some high-ranking people in her world who do have scars, I'm not exactly sure how this works, but I assume it has to do with how long it's been since the wound and Leslie was within that time period.
Which is probably for the best because I think anytime Leslie wore short sleeves there'd be a rash of rage-wall-punching around her.
I did actually consider an extremely early canon point for Leslie, which would have come with these scars, but I decided in the end on a middle of the translated chapters of the time canon point to allow for some of her canon character development to happen in RP rather than in her past, but also the later chapters' knowledge she has somewhere to return.
Because an early canon Leslie would be kind of terrified of returning through the mirror and that would be pretty sad.
If I ever app Leslie to a different game, I'll now have every possible canon point for a 12-year-old Leslie available and thus get to make this balancing act again.
The other thing I thought about when the scars/tattoos meme was going around is the posssibility that teenage Leslie will end up with tattoos. At the moment, there aren't any influences in her life that would lead her to tattoos in the normal self-expression kind of tattoos, but there are magic ones in Aefenglom.
It's not something I would normally associate with Leslie when she's growing up in like Fantasy Georgian Era nobility, but it would be interesting.
Anyway the only reason I can think that people could cancel Leslie would be the whole, uh, wanting to ruin and then murder her biological family and occasionally considering including all of the family servants in that set, but to be fair SHE SHOULD AND YOU CAN'T STOP HER.
the magic tattoos in aefenglom make for a good excuse to give tattoos to characters who wouldn't otherwise get one
discontinued: Leslie's canon is, uh. Full of new opportunities to learn how It Sucked To Be Leslie, but it's also full of And Now It Doesn't Suck.
And they sure do that! I may have to start browsing tattoo designs.
leslie cannot be canceled
She's Too Powerful or rather she's too pure, revenge plot and all.
NOBODY SHOULD STOP HER god someday i'll rp again and pick up that thread we started
and kaiko will validate the hell out of her murdering absolutely everyone
LMAO yes teach her all the wrong lessons. .....Well like 90% of her murder targets should get fucking murdered so maybe they're not the wrong lessons.
kaiko is not exactly pro murder so much as aware that as much as it sucks, murder is sometimes the best or only available answer and when that is the case you just try not to get too guilty about it
rip them but maybe they should have tried being decent people
opalinesque: They're not ready for a daytime children's cartoon morality, but they're not
wrong. rip them
gsdragono: LMAO hello murder uncle. Though he did show restraint in his own father murder so maybe Leslie is drawing her own father murder out too much.