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female St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City State (Holy See)
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Leslie @ Aefenglom

Queer woman who goes by Yosie. I roleplay sometimes.

3 years ago 1
[genshin impact] Enter your Anniversary Theater Anniversary Web Event "An Unforgettable Journey" Now...Other people get the gifts when they click mine so now I gotta share my link.
3 years ago 11
I was looking at Aefenglom to see what was going on since I left, and I realized it was a Fourth Wall event right now. Does anyone want any kind of closure threads (or just regular thread) from Leslie during that?
3 years ago 24
Probably not a huge surprise with how incommunicado I have been ICly and OOCly lately, but I'm pulling the bandaid off and dropping Leslie.
3 years ago 77 @Edit 3 years ago
I should probably feel bad for subjecting Hector to sudden morality pet when all he really wanted was to check whether it was okay to let the cultists abduct someone for vile experimentation, but I'm too enthralled with the opportunity for slapstick.
3 years ago 30
To the shock and awe of everyone, I still exist. Relatively speaking. I haven't looked at plurk or for startlingly close to two months now without comment, so this is a combination of explanation and contact point as I try to have any online presence again.
So. I disappeared. A couple of weeks ago, I was at a point where if I had one more thing up in my brain, it was going to burst, so I threw I hiatus up on and stopped reading plurk. The rest of this plurk will be mostly be comments on .
4 years ago 1
Leslie on the CR & Plotting Meme.
4 years ago 31
I wake up from an accidental and impromptu nap to finish writing a network post from Leslie.
4 years ago 2
[ncod] I forgot about National Coming Out Day until like ten minutes were left in it, but today is a great day to remember that aro/ace people are a wonderful part of our community, bi/pan people are wonderful and valid no matter who they're with, nonbinary people exist in many wonderful ways, and poly people are great. And wonderful, too.
4 years ago 7
[the monster duchess and contract princess] Chapter 68 update was a mostly pleasant affair but for the first part.