3 years ago
I was looking at Aefenglom to see what was going on since I left, and I realized it was a Fourth Wall event right now. Does anyone want any kind of closure threads (or just regular thread) from Leslie during that?
latest #11
3 years ago
I haven’t put a whole lot of thought into it yet, as I dunno what kind of interest there might be in a thing like that, but maybe I’d bring her from a later canon point to give some reassurance that things are going okay in her home world.
3 years ago
(If I really wanted to break brains, I could make an account for post-timeskip 16-year-old Leslie, lmao.)
3 years ago
I am planning to try to stretch my RP muscles again, to get a sense of where I’m at in such a thing, about whether I would want to app to a game, or do memes, or do PSLs, or even if I’m not actually at a place to RP just yet.
3 years ago
I’m finally starting to reread Momster Duchess for that purpose, which has been slowed by the site I usually read it on being down for maintenance for over a month and I can’t remember where someone linked me to it on another site.
3 years ago
And also because Momster Duchess starts out Maximum Rude. I still blame the canon for when I have been mean to thread partners.
3 years ago
pours one out for mangadex...
3 years ago
I'd be interested in some Aef-flavored PSLs
3 years ago
opalinesque: It’ll.....probably revive one day.
3 years ago
blueraven rebreather: I would also be quite interested in those soon! Probably after I get the last of my thesis work done so that I can probably concentrate better. I’ll definitely hit both of you up.
3 years ago
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