Mr San
3 years ago
It is the afternoon. As America is still asleep, it is my job to look after plurk for them. The British are on their own however.
latest #16
3 years ago
Not sure how to feel about this exclusion.
Mr San
3 years ago
Amle: Europe doesn't exist. Stop pretending that it does.
3 years ago
Good Monday Moanin...

Have a Super Day!!!
Mr San
3 years ago
andex: You haver a superer one!
3 years ago
Mr San
3 years ago
stevebob: What where you poke that thing
3 years ago
Thank you for safeguarding Plurk in our absence!
3 years ago
Glad to know you were watching over us.
3 years ago
Fly Fisher
3 years ago
I thank you.
Mr San
3 years ago
PollyPaperclip: I am truly heroic
Mr San
3 years ago
Godtess: You're in safe hands!
Mr San
3 years ago
lemongrass: I'm watching you, troublemaker
Mr San
3 years ago
Flyfisher: Thank me for my service?
3 years ago
sory sannakji , Europa does exist. It has been circling Jupiter for ages now . . . .
Mr San
3 years ago
sjonsvenson: This makes me so sad to hear
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