1 years ago
[parent rant] Kiddo... why.
latest #7
1 years ago
She's been having serious issues with focusing at bedtime for a while now. (Issues focusing are a general thing - I've found myself wondering if she has ADHD or something similar multiple times.) But today in particular was awful.
1 years ago
We've got her routine stripped to as close to the bare minimum as we can - at this point it's change into PJs, brush her teeth, and she gets a hug from both of us, then I read to her for however much time she has left. Which has been zero for the last two days.
1 years ago
Today, she started by flopping on our bed and pretending she was stuck to it. In the process of getting off the bed, she swung her leg into a drawer that tends to push itself open a little and bumped into the corner. (Failing spatial awareness checks and hurting herself as a result is an unfortunately common occurrence during bedtime especially.)
1 years ago
So she didn't want to cooperate with anything for a good while after that, and when we finally coaxed her out of that, she kept trying to play instead of doing anything she was supposed to, kept it up after being told repeatedly to stop, and overall just seemed to be trying to make a game of not cooperating.
1 years ago
Thing is, she has a pretty extreme case of separation anxiety toward me in particular, which has the effect that she'll shrug off all attempts to get her to cooperate short of threatening to cut the whole thing short and put her to bed as is, and then she panics when we do that.
1 years ago
So of course that happened. Between the fact that we got her to "curling up and whimpering" levels of upset without trying to and draconic had to step in a couple of times to give me time to chill, I'm feeling super stressed and drained now. And this was on the tail end of me having taken a day off to relax after the long weekend, and now that's shot.
Angry Popoto
1 years ago
I’m so sorry to hear all of that, because man, it sounds rough!
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