13Friends 5Fans
male Madison, WI, United States
10 months ago 3 @Edit 10 months ago
[parent life]
We're having breakfast at a hotel. Bitty's eating a hard-boiled egg and just rubbed a bit of the yolk off onto another part of her food.
Bitty: I got yolk on it!
Me: You did.
Bitty: With its yolk power!
Me: Its yolk power? What does yolk power do?
Bitty: Make it yolky!
10 months ago 2
Ah, parenting.
"I don't want to eat that."
"I don't want to eat that."
"I don't want to eat that."
"I don't want to eat that."
"I don't want to eat that."
"I don't want to eat that."
"I don't want to eat that."
"I'm still hungry!"
1 years ago 7
[parent rant] Kiddo... why.
1 years ago 5
Today on life with bitty:
Bitty: Daycare gave me a popsicle.
Mom: What flavor was your popsicle?
Bitty: Sweet!

...She's not wrong...
1 years ago 7
Sure, why not. Most of you know me as Leo, so we'll go with that. 37, cis-het male, software developer for healthcare-related stuff, married, two kids, gamer, plays FFXIV. AMA.
1 years ago 1
[NCT, bitty edition] That's not a shirt, it's a horse!
1 years ago 19
[Parent life] The current struggle: Kiddo constantly claims to be hungry. Except at meal times.
2 years ago 3
Bitty has had a history of referring to her older sister as "Sister". She's finally started using her name. Except that it's now "[Name] Sister". As in "[Name] Sister's [toy]." Every time.

It's really cute.
2 years ago 7
Bitty still hasn't gotten the hang of pronouncing the letter L... which makes it a challenge to keep a straight face when she goes running around the house, pointing to all the clocks and repeatedly announcing "Big clock!"
2 years ago 4
Today on "things that make it hard to keep a straight face":
Bitty is very fond of blueberries. But she isn't great with L or R sounds yet. So when I get the blueberries out of the fridge, it is often met with bitty proclaiming "BOOBIES!" excitedly, and repeatedly.