Sebastian likes
16 years ago
women, but not woman. Stupid girl... :-(
latest #15
Poet's Corner
16 years ago
(s_unsure) um.....everything ok there?
TheBadMonkey says
16 years ago
Keep yer chin up
Sebastian says
16 years ago
*sigh*, long story short, I wish I could do what I know I need to do
16 years ago
? :-(
Poet's Corner says
16 years ago
good luck there, when it comes to some women...well, I'll leave it at that :-D
16 years ago
*has all his hopes and dreams dashed on the rocks below*
TheBadMonkey says
16 years ago
awwww. hugs from the third world.
Poet's Corner
16 years ago
*tries to pick up the pieces and put them in bukkit to keep together*
Poet's Corner says
16 years ago
stupid rocks always breakin things
Sebastian thinks
16 years ago
its a good thing I don't dream big, otherwise I'd *really* be hurtin right now...
Poet's Corner says
16 years ago
everyone dreams big about something, but it's alway good to have a realistic outlook on things :-)
Queen P says
16 years ago
sending you some love :-)) to make you feel better hoepfully...
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