27Friends 50Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
Not really 78. Really a Super Hero.

Friend if I know you. Follow if I don't.
15 years ago 8
wasted her 2+ karma away... down to 1.57.
suki says
15 years ago 3
fa la la la la, la la la la!
15 years ago 4
enjoys all i can drink malbec with a room full of strangers...
suki says
15 years ago 12
it's cold, and i'm under 5 karma. must type type away.
suki shares
15 years ago 7
suki says
15 years ago 2
RSVP for YEE open! It's at PLAYERS. :-)
15 years ago 4
noticed that Plurk now has a Daily Photo function. Must be slow to notice stuff.
suki says
15 years ago 15
it appears that the hospital billed the insurance company for services rendered the day I found out my surgery had to be canceled.
15 years ago 9
reduced her FB friend list by about 150...
15 years ago
plugged Owl City into Pandora and hasn't hated every song suggested yet!