14Friends 149Fans
male Birchwood, Great Britain (UK)
A geek and a photographer but mainly just a geek!
1uk3 says
15 years ago
Okay, HootSuite - best "web site" Twitter client I've seen but I prefer my Adobe AIR clients.
1uk3 says
15 years ago
Sky set to launch 3D TV in 2010 (ping.fm/1qAoh)
1uk3 thinks
15 years ago
I should really use Plurk more often... need to sort out my social networks
1uk3 says
15 years ago
Moving servers at the moment.... should be finished in a mo. Going to start my personal site again from scratch. #webhosting #websites
1uk3 says
15 years ago
RT HACKSD: Windows 7 Build 7100 is the Official RC Build twurl.nl/hpxdxp
1uk3 says
15 years ago
Got my old Dell E228WFP 22" set-up as my second monitor (1680x1050) along side my Samsung T240HD (1920x1200) The Samsung is a lot better!
1uk3 says
15 years ago 2
Having a play with #Boxee under Windows 7 - seems pretty cool but it does keep freezing on me here and there.
1uk3 says
15 years ago
What!?RT: popurls This is the funniest response to an anti gay marriage argument ever. pop.ly/xak