0Friends 13Fans
male Mundelein, IL, United States
80g says
12 years ago
Interesting iPhone / Android trend statistics. ping.fm/PEVFx
80g says
12 years ago
Rest in peace tololol guy. You'll be missed by millions.
80g says
12 years ago
Now that I'm on the other side of being crazy busy I feel like I could sleep for a week. It's like an epic sugar crash.
80g says
12 years ago
Mind. Blown. I can implement partial pixels in retina display interfaces from 72dpi raster concepts. http://www.joeydevilla.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/mind-blown.gif
80g says
12 years ago
Exercise! The poor man's plastic surgery!
80g says
12 years ago
80g says
12 years ago
Wow, WWDC2012 is already sold out. Thats crazy fast.
80g says
12 years ago
Flying object propels itself by flipping inside out ping.fm/AgpDE
80g says
12 years ago
Where can I buy one? No really. Where. Tell me now. ping.fm/XwyCy
80g says
12 years ago
Pebble: E-Paper Watch for iPhone and Android ping.fm/CuoV4