20Friends 60Fans
female Richmond, MO, United States
I consider myself a learner. Presently, I serve education as a faculty member & chair of a teacher education program for a liberal arts university. Consider me a dreamer, a change agent, a listener, a voice of reason & insight!
ABHogan says
15 years ago 2
please enjoy the weekend!
ABHogan is
15 years ago 2
ready for spring break!
ABHogan has
15 years ago
read the plurks for the day! Good night! :-)
ABHogan is
15 years ago
cheering for the OU basketball team!
ABHogan is
15 years ago
ready for spring break!
ABHogan is
15 years ago
enjoying Friday!
ABHogan is
15 years ago
Still learning all about plurks! :-)
ABHogan is
15 years ago 13
learning all about plurks! Or should I say plurking?