Tumbling down the road, wishing for all that is to come, all that will never arrive...
Everybody tells us to "be different"... Well, how different can each of us be? If we are all different, none are.
Every act of justification that this life is worth living is just that: a rationalization to keep us moving on. Once we see through this veil, we realize its futility, and continue on our hypocrisy.
I have grown into this grumbling person who is dissatisfied with everything he encountered... Who could have guessed?
To see the graduation of another is a stab at the heart of all who have withered and hithered in the face of society. The beautiful springs of youth is irreconcilable with the mutilated grotesquerie of the old.
Really? This fucking teacher is blowing my mind... It's her fault, and yet we have to redo the whole fucking thing. Great, just great.
Night is the deadly soul, whose presence I woe.
Things seldom turn out the way we wanted it to be... the universe is indifferent to out wants and needs.
To see that so many others are so lively, passionate about their lives......
Tired like shit, and yet, there is so much shit left to do....